viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

UNIT III (Gerund)

2) Engineering refers to the practice of organizing the design and construction.

Organización (Complement of a Preposition)

3) Construction market are having an impact on already thin profit margins.

Teniendo (Part of a Progressive)

4) The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk.

Tomar ( Direct Object)

5) Only by exploring civil engineering’s influence in shaping the world we know today.

Formar (Complement of a preposition)

6) Smoking is forbidden.

Fumar ( Gerund as Subject)

7) I have a long working day.

Trabajo (Gerund as Subject Complement)

8) I don't like dancing.

Baile (Gerund as an adjective)

9) Marketing is a very inexact science.

Mercadotecnia ( Gerund as a subject)

10) The marketing of the product will continue for a few months yet.

Venta/ Compra (Object of a preposition)

11) Speaking to an audience is always stressful.

Hablar (Gerund as Subject)

12) Swimming after work is very relaxing.

Nadar ( Gerund as Subject Complement)

13) Before leaving, you need to speak to Sarah.

Salir ( Gerund as Direct Object)

14) After discussing it with her, I've changed my mind.

Discutir ( Gerund as subject complement)

15) Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, do some work for charity

Sentir (Gerund of a preposition)

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